Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia are known as the best trophy whitetail and mule deer hunting locations in North America. Canada is holding the Boone and Crockett world record for the largest whitetail deer scoring 213 5/8 and harvested by Milo Hanson (1993). Canada also home of the world's largest non-typical mule deer ever, this giant mule deer was killed by Ed Broder and scores a whooping 355 2/8. First time deer hunters in Western Canada are impressed by the size of our deer, they are really big both in size and antlers. It is not uncommon to shoot deer weighting 250 to 300 pounds.
The pre-rut is a period of preparation for the bucks; it is the time immediately before the does go into estrus. As the does get closer to this stage, bucks become more active - they begin making rubs and scrapes. Activity during daylight hours increase slightly. This is the time when the bucks are most vulnerable to bowhunters. In some places with numerous bucks, you can expect to see action at any time of day. They walk with their head down, checking their scrape line, and looking for a receptive doe. Concentrations of large rubs indicate an area used regularly by a good buck. Well defined scrape lines mark used travel routes. The pre-rut is a prime time for rattling and grunting techniques.
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PO Box 649, Lundar, MB R0C-1Y0, Canada
(204) 762-6133